The iHUB Library is in constant growth. We are adding new, informative books based on your needs and requests. With the support of our partners Ellation Moldova, we provide helpful resources for you to keep learning and develop your professional or personal skills.
We think that books are a great value of every co-working space, because they encourage our community to keep on learning. Our professional activity is oriented towards the community, this way we gather lots of people from different fields so we consider it our duty to meet their needs and make it as easy as possible for them to work.
Here is the complete list of all the books we have in our library, ready to meet you and show you what they hide between the covers.
So, lets take a look:
1. “Competitive strategy” — Michael E. Porter 2. “Start up communities” — Brad Feld 3. Business model generation — Alexander osterwalder și Yves Pigneur 4. The world is flat — Thomas L. Friedman 5. Confessions of an advertising man — David Ogilvy 6. UX for lean startups — Laura Klein 7. The lean startup — Eric Ries 8. Lean analytics — Alistair Croll și Benjamin Yoskovitz 9. React up and running. Building web applications — Stoyan Stefanov 10. Graphic design school — David Davner etc. 11. Search engine optimization secrets — Danny Dover 12. Dynamic identity. How to create a living brand — Irene van Nes 13. Banksy in New York 14. My SQL — Paul Dubois 15. The Economics of money, banking and financial markets — Frederic S. Mishkin 16. The power of positive thinking — Norman Vincent Feale 17. Zero to one — Peter Thiel 18. Zingermans guide to giving great service — Ari Weinzweig 19. The art of the start 2.0 — Guy Kawasaki 20. Graphic design the new basics — Ellen Lupton and Jennifer Cole Phillips 21. Hypnotic writing — Joe Vitale 22. Do/design. Why beauty is key to everything — Alan Moore 23. The non-designer’s design book — Robin Williams 24. Logo Design Love — David Airey 25. How to — Michael Bierut 26. The unpublished — David Ogivly 27. The effective executive — Peter F. Drucker
Do not hesitate on coming to our hub and enjoying a good book, we are waiting for you.
P.S. You can only read the books at iHUB Chisinau.